The Carlos Beltran Saga is a complete joke at this point. I remember Beltan speaking to the press postgame in a game at the end of last season. He was pretty smug about “having to be honest with the medical staff.” I guess he hadn’t been and certainly doesn’t care about doing so. Beltran said he felt no pain in his knee last year and MRIs taken in September and November had nothing to report. He had weekly phone calls with the Met trainer and reported no pain. In December he started with intense training and felt discomfort. A third MRI was taken on December 10th and the Met medical staff said to back off the intense training regiment. Beltran went to see his own surgeon Dr. Stedman in Colorado for another opinion. Stedman said to undergo the procedure to help alleviate the symptoms. He had a successful procedure done yesterday and is still in Colorado recovering. The Mets asked to be consulted and have a 3rd opinion if necessary, and they didn’t have that option. Beltran had the surgery performed on his own accord. That’s the joke of it. I’d like to personally thank Scott Boras who is The Biggest Mutt in Baseball. Let’s just sign another one of his clients Johnny Damon to play center. I don’t think Damon could reach the cutoff man without bouncing it to him 3 times. It looks like Angel Pagan in centerfield for the Metropolitans in April. Let’s Go Mets! They are truly a tough team to like.
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