Today is the anniversary of my Father’s death. It seems so long ago but seems like yesterday. The summer of 1986 was so tough on my Dad, Mom and our Family. I learned so many things from my Dad that are with me now. One thing my Dad told me to do when He was dying was “Take care of your Mother.” I believe I did that with a lot of help from my Sister, Brother and Wife. When my Dad passed away on that Saturday afternoon at 2:32 PM I felt a hurt in my heart that’s still there. My Dad was surrounded by very important people to Him: my Mom, us kids (Brother, Sister and me), my Grandfather and my Aunt & Uncle. Unfortunately my Dad missed seeing the Mets win the World Series that October and the New York Football Giants win the Super Bowl the following January. I remember the stories of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Ebbets Field and especially their World Series win over the hated New York Yankees in 1955. I remember going to a Met game at Shea Stadium when I was a kid with my Dad. The Dodgers came to town and a lot of the New York fans were still cheering for their Dodgers, although they moved nine years before. Thanks Dad for teaching me a lot, for the appreciation of sports, and most of all, I love and miss you. I wish I could take You and Mom to a Ranger game at the Garden.
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