The New Orleans Saints strutted their stuff aboard Mardi Gras floats and unofficially kicked off Mardi Gras a week early. It all began when Sean Payton was stripped of his play calling duties in 2002 with the New York Giants by head coach Jim Fassel. The next season Bill Parcells brought Payton to Dallas. Owner Jerry Jones didn’t want to pay Payton so he left to become head coach of the New Orleans Saints in 2006. First order of business was to bring in Drew Brees as quarterback and mold the offensive around him. The offensive numbers have been off the scale since then and last Sunday New Orleans won their first Super Bowl Championship. Seeing Drew Brees hold up his son Baylen right after the victory and show tears of joy was amazing. I liked the smarts Brees showed in having his little boy wear earphones as it was deafening on the field. The Saints are no longer the Aints and the fans don’t have to wear paper bags over their heads any longer. Their defensive game plan against the Peyton Machine was excellent. Congratulations to a job well done.

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